
Skills2Work final national event

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Hungary, in partnership with the Menedék – Hungarian Association for Migrants, hosted the final national event of the Skills2Work project today. The main aim of the event was to provide a platform to professionals working in the field of migration, as well as media partners to discuss and share experience about issues around labour market integration of third-country nationals in Hungary.

The morning started out with Ms Ágnes Hárs, from Kopint-Tárki, who presented about the latest research results regarding the participation of migrants in the Hungarian labour market, followed by Menedék’s Ms Vivien Vadasi, who described the legislative framework.

After a short coffee beak two panel discussions took place, where representatives of the various organizations had the chance to engage further with the related topics, including the accessibility of the labour market for foreign students and the potentials and challenges of finding employment in Hungary as a migrant, and to answer the questions of the participants and the media.

We would like to thank everyone for their participation and contribution!

To find out more about the Skills2Work project, please visit the dedicated webpage and take a look at the Skills2Work digital platform here.


The presentations are available on the following links (In Hungarian):

Ms Ágnes Hárs's presentation: Labour market integration and migration

Ms Vivien Vadasi's presentation: Employing foreigners - legal background

SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities